Conform To The Spirit

I wrote this as a note to myself a long time ago and thought I’d share it here on the blog. I hope someone finds it beneficial and edifying.

Let people look at you and admire the qualities you have that are a direct result of having Christ in you. Conform to the Spirit! Let it control your life. You belong to God and you are His child. Represent Him everyday because you carry His last name when you are called “Christian.” Represent your family that has adopted you and canceled all of your debts. The Father sent His only son to die for you. Be thankful and live according to God’s will.

If you truly desire to be conformed to the Spirit, you must come before God broken, with a contrite spirit. God cannot build us up in His family when we have already used our own earthly desires to build an ideal world for ourselves. Pray for God to break you. Who are you to be proud in front of an Almighty God. Humble yourself before the Father and cry out “You are King! I will place no other God before you including myself.”

As God builds us up, we must continue to seek Him. What we put in our heart will become who we are. Learn truth, wisdom and love and you will become these very things. Walking the path of faith is your mission on earth. Become supernatural as you are called to be and reap the benefits God is waiting to give.