Small Opportunities Can Be The Greatest

I was riding the trolley home from college Band Camp today. Jackie and I sat quietly together, too exhausted to talk much, just staring out the window and watching the sights of the city fly past as we rode. We came up on one of the many stops along the way, and a woman borded and sat adjacent to us, glancing over as the trolley pulled away once more. She was heavyset, dark hair up in a ponytail, and seemed awfully tired herself, so she told us. She started talking to us about her family, and Jackie and I simply listened, making an occasional comment. I could already tell she was in some sort of need; I don’t know how or why… I just felt it.

Then she told us she had just lost her house and was now homeless. She was trying to get to Mast Boulevard so she could get to her mother’s home, since she had nowhere else to go. And then she looked at me and said “You know I had a niece at that house. I was just thinking how much you look like her. It’s crazy, I tell you, but you look just like her. She’s about your age too.” I was aurprised, but smiled and thanked her, and then somnehow we got on the subject of jobs and how Dad and I are both having a hard time finding one, and we finally introduced ourselves.

“What’s your name, ma’am?”

“Kelly. And you?”

“I’m Trish and this is Jackie.”

“Well, Trish, everyone’s having a rough time right now with jobs and everything. And maybe you don’t know how things are gonna turn out, but…” she said, pointing up at the sky, and smiled, “God knows.”

I couldn’t help but realize how lucky I was at that moment. Here was a woman who had just lost almost everything, and she still had the strength to pray everyday and trust God (she’d told me earlier in the conversation), and here I am, about to go to college, young and lively and lucky to have all that I do, and I only ever ask God for things still and worry, worry, worry. I’m like a lot of people who never stop to thank Him and trust Him, even in the tough times…

And I knew God had put me there to be able to talk to her and give her some hope for the day, and her for me. That must have been the feeling I  had in the beginning… So many of the people like her who have nothing, or less than nothing even, are so misunderstood. As we pulled up to our stop and stepped out on the platform, I asked “So, would you like any prayer for anything?”

She sighed “Oh, yes! Please pray that I get home. It’s so hot freakin’ and I’m old and tired and all…”

“Well, God doesn’t always answer you directly when you call out to Him, but He is good.” I said.

“Yes, and He always gives you what you need. You may not even realize it,” she said.

“Well, it was really nice to meet you, and I’ll definitely pray. God Bless.” :)

“Thank you, hon. You’re some really great kids, ya know?” She said, smiling again. And though I wish I could have helped her more, I gave her directions to Mast Boulevard, and we parted ways.

Jackie was pretty quiet the whole time, being apprehensive about talking to strangers, but I told her about the feeling I had and how everything worked out, and she seemed at ease after that. I wish we could have helped by giving her a ride, but I know Jacquelyn wouldn’t have liked that, seeing as she was my ride home and she was already uncomfortable enough. But it just goes to show you how even the little things in life can be an opportunity to show God’s love to people, and you may not even realize it at first…little feelings, little hints you may see in others, don’t ignore those moments or pass them up. It just may be another chance to show your faith, and maybe God put you there for a reason… :)